Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi tulisan mengenai quantitative proposal. Semoga bermanfaat
In this chapter, the writer would like to write down about the
background of the research, identification of the problem, limitation of the
problem, formulation of the problem, purpose of the research, significance of
the research.
A. Background of the problems
English is one
of international languages, which is used throughout the world and also English
is used in many fields of life such as : in Politics, Economics, Socialand
Education. Therefore, English as a language in international communication is
clearly needed by many learners to deliver thought and interact in a variety of
English is one of the foreign languages for
Indonesian students, that must be learnt in school since elementary school
level until University level. English is considered as a difficult subject for
the Indonesian students, because English is completely different from
Indonesian language being look at from the system of structure, pronunciation
and vocabulary.
English teaching involves of four language
skills, they are Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. In teaching and
learning a language, there are four aspects that support four language skill
above such as : grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation that are also
taught in English teaching and learning process.
Teaching for students of elementary
school is not the same as teachingadult because they have different
characteristics and motivation. They aredifferent from adults, so the way of
teaching must be different too.
According toScoot (1990: 2-4) there are some
general characteristic of the children in that group :
1. They are competent user of mother
2. They can tell thedifference between
fact and fiction.
3. They love to play and learn best
when they enjoy themselves seriously and liketo think that what they are doing
in real work.
4. They are enthusiastic andpositive
5. They rely on the spoken as well as
the physical words toconvey and understanding meaning.
6. They are able to work with others
andlearn from others.
7. Their own understanding comes trough
eyes, hands and ears.
8. They have very short attention and
If the teachers can not teach the
children properly, the children may notenjoy their learning. Consequently, the
teaching learning process may fail.
Elementary school teachers need
appropriate methods to teach thestudents. The proportions of the materials for
young learners are different fromthat of the adult learners. Generally that
teaching material emphasize on the abilityto enrich their vocabulary of English
language. The way of teaching vocabulary isnot the same as teaching vocabulary
to adult learners. They have differentmotivation and characteristic. It will be
difficult when the teacher can notmotivate young learners intensively. Through
motivation from their teacher it willincrease their interest to learn better,
so the students’ interest in learning will besame as their interest in playing.
To find out the best technique for teaching younglearners need an intensive
analysis, especially for the teacher. They should createalternative of
techniques to teach young learners in order to make them interestedto what they
are going to learn and avoid boredom
Students of Elementary
School study basic English. They study about simple words or things in their
surroundings, it is aimed that students are able to understand simple English
used in daily context. However, it is difficult to master the other competences
without understanding the vocabulary, because vocabulary is the basic competence
that must be reached by students in order to get other competencies like
reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
According to Harris
(1969:345) there are several methods in Englishlearning process. They are (a)
giving total physical activity (example games andTotal Physical Response
activities), (b) providing hands on activities (example tolearn words,
sentences, and practice meaningful language), (c) internalizingconcept through
visual aids (example video, picture, tapes, music, flash card, andpuppet toys),
and (d) explaining things with nonverbal language (facial features,gestures).
Helalay (1971:1) argues that:
Unlike adults, children
are not self-motivated and do not have
an immediate need to
learn English. They are not concern with
job or university degree
that requires knowledge of English.
Their daily games,
events, of interest to them, new knowledge
may ask
Media such as pictures, puppets,
cartoon films, tape recorder, radio, television,computer, etc. are useful to
achieve the instructional goals of teaching andlearning process, and they can
also be easily found in our daily lives. Havingunderstood that young learners
pay short attention and concentration in a learningprocess, it is better to
provide something playful to them. In this study, the writertries to use puppet
toys, for teaching English vocabulary to elementary schoolstudents.
Pictures are kinds of visual instruction materials
might be used more effectively to develop and sustain motivation in producing
positive attitudes towards English and to teach or reinforce language skills.
Using the picture as an alternative medium of
teaching young learnerscould be considered as the best way since it pleases
them a lot. Furthermore, it is aprecious resource to develop students’
abilities in listening, speaking, reading, andwriting. The writer is interested
in using the puppet in order to enrich and improvethe mastery of the students’
vocabulary. By using this media, it is hoped that thestudents can enjoy the
teaching and learning process and can memorize the wordseasily.
Based on the statement above, the researcher concluded that picture
is one media to improve vocabulary
ability. So, the researcher wants to conduct a research entitle “ The Effect of
Teaching English Using Picture to Students’ Vocabulary
Mastery at Fifth Grade in SDN Gayam II Kediri Academic Year 2012/2013”.
Identification of Problems
Celce Maria stated that
Research in first and second language acquisition suggest that initial teaching
priorities for language areas should be vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.
Therefore, the English teacher has to be able to organize teaching and learning
activities, they have to give materials by using a
suitable technique and master the lesson
effectively. Especially in learning vocabulary, teachers must make the
students able to memorize such words in English language and group of new
words. The statements above mean, vocabulary is important to teach and teachers
must try to find the most effective way to teach it. There are many problems of
language teaching that can be identified as research subjects. We could discuss
about methods, material selection, and others. In this research it is
identified that teaching technique for elementary school level is challenging.
Therefore, in this research the writer want to make a study about how to teach
vocabulary for elementary school level.
C. Limitation of the Research
There are many techniques can be used in this learning vocabulary.
In this case, the writer limits. The research on the effect of teaching English
by using picture to the students’ vocabulary mastery at fifth grade in SDN
Gayam II Kediri academic year 2012/2013.
Formulation of the Problem
1. How is the students’
achievement in mastering vocabulary before and after being taught using picture?
2. Is there any effect
of teaching English by using picture to the students’ vocabulary mastery?
Purpose of research
1. To know the
students’ achievement in mastering vocabulary before and after being taught
using picture.
2. To know about there
is or not effect of teaching English by using picture to the students’
vocabulary mastery.
F. Significance
of the Research
Ø The researcher :
research is expected to be able to increase the student achievement in vocabulary mastery
Ø The teacher :
provide the better technique for teaching vocabulary in
elementary class.
Ø The student :
teaching vocabulary by using puppet can motivate the students in order to
be more interested in learning vocabulary.
Ø The other research :
motivate the other research to do research more detail, especially to increase
students’ vocabulary
The review of related literature is intended to sharpen the teoritical
frame work and give a brief description of concepts discussed in this study.
This chapter presents : related theory, rationale and hypothesis.
Related Theory
of the elementarry school students.
general, the elementary school students are the children at the age between six
up to twelve years old which are enthusiastic to know and learn everything.
(2001: 38) states some general characteristic of children.
They respond to meaning even if they do
not understand the words
They often learn indirectly than
Their understanding comes not justfrom
the explanation, but also from what they see hear and crucially have achance to
touch and interact with.
They generally display an enthusiasm
forlearning and curiosity about the world around them.
They have a need forindividual attention
and approval from their teacher.They are taken on talkingabout themselves and
responding well to learning that use themselves and theirown lives as main
topic in the classroom.
They have limited attention span,unless
activities are extremely engaging can make them easily getting bored,losing
interaction after 10 minutes or so.
Based on the points
stated by Harmer above, I assume that elementary school students are very
enthusiastic in finding out, understanding and learning
2. Vocabulary
a. Definition of
vocabulary mastery
Vocabulary is one of the language aspects which should be
learnt.Learning vocabulary is important because we are able to speak, write,
and listennicely we have to know vocabulary first. A person said to ‘know ‘ a
word if theycan recognize its meaning when they see it (Cameron, 2001: 75). It
means that inlearning vocabulary we have to know the meaning of it and also
understand andcan use it in sentence context.
According to Red John (2000: 16) vocabulary is knowledge
involvesknowing the meanings of words and therefore the purpose of a vocabulary
test into find out whether the learners can match each word with a synonym,
adictionary – tape definition, or an equivalent word in their own language.
In learning vocabulary automatically we have to know the meaning of
words it self and can use it in sentences. Wilkins (1972: 130) states thatvocabulary
learning is learning to discriminate progressing the meaning of wordsin the
target language from the meanings of their nearest ‘equivalent’ in themother
tongue. It is also learning to make the most appropriate lexical choices for particular linguistic and situational context
is very important for second language learners; only withsufficient vocabulary
learners can effectively express their ideas both in oral andwritten form. Thus
they should have a good idea of how to expand theirvocabulary so that they can
improve their interest in leaning the language.Language teachers, therefore,
should posses considerable knowledge on how tomanage an interesting classroom
so that the learners can gain a great success intheir vocabulary
learning.Teaching vocabulary plays an important role in language
acquisitionbecause the mastery of vocabulary will help students to master all
the languageskills; speaking; listening; writing; and reading. The vocabulary
will make thestudents practice life and will strengthen belief that English can
be used to expressthe same ideas or feeling they express in their native
language (Finochiaro,1974:38)
in teaching vocabulary the teacher can introduce the list ofvocabulary that is
taken from the book. The teacher uses and adds othervocabulary which is
relevant to the students. Teacher needs a good knowledge ontheir teaching
materials. When they have to teach the students about vocabulary,teachers
should know the general knowledge of vocabulary, words and also themeaning. The
words or vocabulary can be spoken and written.
Kinds of
Surely, there are some words in a sentence
and those collections of wordsinclude to the vocabulary because vocabulary is a
list or collections of wordsarranged in alphabetical order and explained. Those
words could be Noun whichis usually used as subject or object, Verb or it is
usually used as predicate in asentence, adverbs etc.The sentence may be further
divided according to the functions of each wordhas in the subject – predicate
relationship – each of these functions is classified asa different part of
speech. They are :
It is one of most
important part of speech. It is arrangement with theverb helps to form the
sentence core which is essential to everycomplete sentence. It could be the
name of person, place, thing or idea.
Example :
Ø It is
Ø There is
It is the word which expresses an action or
a help to make a statement.Example :
Ø Mr. Herman
isteaching mathematic.
Ø The students
areplaying football
It is the word
used to qualify noun or pronoun.
Example :
Ø Mr. Herman isclever
Ø This magazine isexpensive
It is a word
used for qualifying the meaning of verb, adjective, or another adverb.
Example :
Ø Mrs. Nurul is teaching inthe classroom
Ø I go to campus at nine o’clock
It is a word
used to relate one word to another one, or one sentence toanother one.
Example :
Ø I have to called himbefore I go.
Ø IrmaandI are student at SDN Gayam II
It is the word
which can take the place of a noun.
Example :
Ø They are my lecture.
Ø He goes to office.
It is a word
put into a sentence to express a sudden feeling of mind or emotion.
Example :
Ø Hurrah! I am the winner.
Ø Oh my god, I can’t believe it’s real.
Material of
learning vocabulary, there are some materials that relate withvocabulary like
word family, word classes, synonyms, antonyms that can helplearners in
comprehending vocabulary deeper.
· Word Family
Word family is
a word is constructed by adding prefix and suffix in baseword or root. In word
family, we discuss about affixes. There are two affixes.They are prefix and
suffix. Here is the explanation and example both of them.
Ø Prefix
Prefix is a syllable added at the
beginning of words to change their meaning. The words of prefixes are un-, in-,
dis-, mis-, re-, pre-, etc. the prefix un-and in-, are the most common negative
prefix which both mean not. Prefix mis-,means wrong, pre-, means before, re-,
means again, etc. The example words of
prefixes are :
Words Added prefix Meaning
Popular Unpopular
not popular
Active Inactive not active
Consistent Inconsistent
not consistent
Writing Prewriting
before writing
For example in sentence :
He is not popular artist (without Prefix)
He is unpopular artist. (adding by Prefix Un-)
From the example, we can see both of them have similar meaning, but
thedifference only in the “popular” word. In the first sentence, the popular
word does not use prefix but it used to be + Not to express negative meaning.
While in the second sentence, the popular word is added by prefix un-to express
negative meaning too, the word become unpopuler.
Ø Suffix
Suffix is
syllable added at the end of words to change their meaning or their part of
speech. The words of suffix are -ment, -ion, -ness, -less, -er/-or, -ist,etc.
the suffix –ment, -er /-or, and –ist are changed verb form becomes noun.
Theexample is act (Verb) added suffix or becomes actor (Noun), etc. while
thesuffixness is used to change adjective form becomes noun. The example is
weak (Adj) added suffix ness becomes weakness (Noun). While the suffix less
meanswithout. The example words of suffix are :
Word Added suffix
Art artist
Direct director
Use useless
Kind kindness
Agree agreement
For example in sentence :
They plays football in the yard. (As a Verb)
They are a good football player. (As a Noun)
From the example, we can see both of them have differences in the
wordclasses. In the first sentence, the word of play without added by suffix
and theword class is verb. It describes about what the noun does. While in the
secondsentence, the word play is added by suffix –er. So, the word class
changes fromverb (play) become noun (player). It indicates noun in the sentence.
· Synonyms and Antonyms
Vocabulary, it means that we learn about meaning. Many wordsin English
sometimes have more that one meaning. So there are many wordsalthough different
but has similar meaning called synonyms. Beside similar, sometimes we must know
the opposite meaning of the word called antonym. Toappropriate in using
synonyms we must consider with the context.
Ø Synonyms
are words that share a similar meaning. For example, old,ancient, antique,
elderly are all synonyms in that they share the common meaningof not young
/new. However, there the similarity ends. Synonyms are similar, butseldom the
same. Even between words that seem interchangeable, such as taxi andcab or
aubergine and eggplant, one will be preferred over the other in certaincontext
and by particular speakers,
For example :
Words Synonyms
Use Wear
example in sentence :
uses bicycle to go to school.
is wear blue t-shirt.
the example, we can see that the uses of use, and wear, in the sentencehave
same meaning or synonyms but it s used in different context. Use can beused to
describe for everything in general, while for wear is used to describe for
something that will be used in the body.
Ø Antonym
Antonyms are words with the opposite meaning. For example like old
andnew. It is called antonym, because the antonym of old is new. Like synonyms,
therelation between such opposite is not always black and white (to use
twoantonyms) and the very notion of oppositeness is troublesome. The opposite
of anold woman is a young woman, but opposite of an old record is a new record
not ayoung record. So, it can be assumed that both synonyms and antonyms
haveuseful defining function and it depends on the context.
For example :
Words Antonyms
Man woman
Old New
Young New
The first example in sentence :
Mr. Yayan karyana is a young man.
He is an old man.
The seconf
example in sentence :
uncle has two old car .
uncle has two new car
the examples, we can compare between first example and secondexample. Although
both of the sentences use old word but the antonym isdifferent.
the first example, the antonym of old is young because it describesage. While
for the second example, the opposite meaning of old is new because itdescribes
the condition of car. So, the writer can assumes that when we will use both
antonym and synonym, it must be appropriate with the context in a sentenceor
The Types of
Nation has
divided vocabulary in the specific reference, such a word.
· Receptive Vocabulary:
a word involves being able to recognize itwhen it is heard (What is the sound
like?) or when it seen (What does it look like?) and having an expectation of
what grammatical pattern the word will occurrence. This includes being able to
distinguish it from word with a similarform and being able to judge if the word
form sounds right or look right.
· Productive Vocabulary:
a word involves being able to pronounce theword, how to write and to spell it,
how to use it in grammatical pattern alongwith the word in usually collocates
with it, it also involves not using the wordtoo often if it is typically a low
frequency word and using it in a suitablesituation using the word to stand for
the meaning it represents and being able tothink of suitable substitutes for
the word if there any.
Jo Ann
Aeborsold and Mary Lee Field Classified Vocabulary into two termsthere are:
· Active Vocabulary refers to items the learner can use appropriately
in speaking
or writing and
it is also called as productive vocabulary, although, in fact, it is
more difficult
to put into practice. It means that to use the productive
vocabulary, the
students are supposed to know how to pronounce it well, they
must know and
be able to use grammar of the language target, they are also
hoped to
familiar with collocation and understand the connotation meaning of
the words. This
type is often used in speaking and writing skill.
· Passive Vocabulary refers to a language items that can be
recognizes andunderstood in the context of reading or listening and also called
as receptive
Vocabulary. Passive
Vocabulary or comprehension consists of the word comprehended by the people,
when they read and listen.
From the explaining above, we know that every experts in every book
isdifferent in classifying the kinds of vocabulary, because every person has
differentways in showing and telling their opinions and ideas. It means that
vocabulary is oftwo kinds function and content words.
The Use of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is important in case it could helps the students to
enjoy their classes. One who masters enough vocabulary will find fewer
difficulties than those who have fewer vocabularies. When they read a certain
text, they will easily get th information from it since they can understand
every word in the text. On the othershand, those who lack of vocabulary will
face a lot of problems. Mastery of vocabulary will be useful for the process of
achieving language-teaching objectives.That is the mastery of language skills
(Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing).
If we want to communicate with others in certain language, we must
master the language they belong to especially to know enough vocabulary of
those language. Yang Zhihong who say that .Words are the basic unit of language
from supports it. Without vocabulary, one cannot communicate to effectively or
express idea. He also states that having a limited vocabulary is also a
Furthermore, Long and Richards explain that vocabulary like grammar
is anessential component of all uses of language.
are kinds of visual instruction materials might be used moreeffectively to
develop and sustain motivation in producing positive attitudes towardsEnglish
and to teach or reinforce language skills. It is supposed by Tang Li Shing in
His Article that The Picture had an irascible appeal for the children. They
createdsuspense and surprises as well as interest, all of which are
indispensable in teachingand learning a foreign language.
Definition of
L. Mckenchnie defines picture in Webster dictionary that Picture is animage, or
likeness of an object, person, or scene produce on a flat surface, especiallyby
painting, drawing or photograph. Meanwhile according to Andrew Wright,Picture
is not just an aspect ofmethod but through its representation of place, object,
and people, it is essential part of the overall experiences.
S Gerlach stated:
are a two dimension visual representation of person, places, orthings.
Photograph prints are most common, but sketches, cartoons, murals, cut
outs,charts, graphs and maps are widely used. A picture may not only be worth athousand words it is may also be
worth a thousand years or a thousand miles.Through pictures, learner can see
people, place and things from areas for outside their own picture can also
represent image from ancient times or portray the future.
kinds and numbers of pictures that the teacher should take with him tocarry out
the activities in class can be taken from magazines, articles, or others
andshould be interactive and interesting to capture the students attention the
purpose ofusing pictures for the students is to give them an opportunity to
practices the language in real context or in situations in which they can make
it to communicate their ideas.
use of pictures are more efficient and practice than words, they are easier to
recall and to remember than words, further more they expose real life situation
although it happened a long time ago. As it has been explained by Vernon,
S.Gerlach and Donald p. Elly,Picture
may not only be worth a thousand miles. Through pictures, Learner can be shown
people, places and things, from areas far outside their own experiences. Pictures
can represent images from ancient times or portray the future.
to Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman,Pictures can be formed such:
wall charts, commercially- produced flashcards, hand drawn pictures, and of
course illustration from course books and supplementary books
From the meaning of pictures above, it indicates that the pictures
hasexchanged and represented the real object into a simple device which has
displayed aseries of places, object, person, or even experiences.
The Types of Pictures
Through picture presentation, people are able to reach outside
their minds.Pictures that they can see always lead to the reality of their
minds. But the realitiesthat have been presented by pictures depend on the
types of the pictures.
There are two kinds of pictures that Brazyna Szyke finds especially
useful asteaching aids, they are:
· Pictures of individual persons or thing may be used mainly at the
level, to introduce or test vocabulary items, for example: a man,
and a car.Portraits, pictures showing people in close details, are useful for
intermediateand advance learners. The students can be asked question about the
age andprofession of the model
· Pictures of situations in which person and object are in
actionbetweenobjects and people can be perfect teaching aid for introducing or
reviewin grammatical or structures.
Types of
Pictures According to Andrew Wright Are:
· Pictures of single object
· Picture of person: picture of famous person, pictures of several
people and
pictures of
people inaction
· Pictures of places
· Pictures from history
· Pictures with a lot of information
· Pictures of fantasies
· Pictures of the news
· Pictures of maps and symbols
According to
Betty Morgan Bowen, there are some types of pictures as theirshapes:
· Wall charts
· Wall pictures: is simply a large illustration of scenes or events.
It is usually to
be used with
the whole of class.
· Sequence Picture is a series of pictures of a single subject it is
function is tell a
story or a
sequence of events.
· Flash cards
Word Flash cards;
card with printed words on it can help up rapidly, thecards can be used to
demonstrate exactly what the teacher wishes.
Picture Flash
cards; useful for the representation of a single concept, such as
an object or in
· Work cards
Includes visual
as well as text magazine pictures drawing maps and diagrams
can be
important part or work cards at all levels used for vanity of purposes
Noor Azlina Yunus in his book grouped the picture into fourgroups:
· Composite Picture
These are large
single pictures, which show a scene (Hospital, beach, canteen,
station, street) in Which number of people can be seen doing things
· A Picture Series
A picture
series is a number of related composite pictures linked to form a
series of
sequences. Hence, it is main function is to tell a story or sequence of
· Individual Picture
These are
single pictures of objects, person or activities such pictures very in
size from small
newspaper pictures and can be mounted singly.
· Specialized Pictures (Posters, charts, advertisements, brochures)
Wall posters
are not designed specifically for teaching, but rather foradvertising or
propaganda purposes.
The Use of
There are five roles of pictures:
· Pictures can motivate the students and make him or her want to pay
attentionand want to take part.
· Pictures contribute to the context in which the language is being
used. Theybring the world into the classroom.
· The pictures can be described an objective way or interpreted or
responded tosubjectively.
· Pictures can cue responses to questions or cue substitutions
through controlpractice.
· Pictures can stimulate and provide information to be referred in
conversation discussion and story telling beside Horse five roles in using
The Advantages
And Disadvantages of Picture Used
The Advantages
of Pictures Used
Following are
some opinions concerning with the advantages of usingpictures. According to
Vernon, S. Gerlach:
Ø They are inexpensive and widely available.
Ø They provide common experiences for an entire group.
Ø The visual detail make it possible to study subject, which would
turn back tobe impossible.
Ø They can help you to prevent and correct disconcertion.
Ø They offer a stimulus to further study, reading and research visual
evidenceis power tool.
Ø They help to focus attention and to develop critical judgment.
Disadvantages of Pictures Used
There are some
disadvantages of pictures used in teaching and learning process, such as:
Ø Students pay attention on the picture more than on learned
Ø It takes time and costs much to provide attractive pictures.
Ø Small and unclear pictures may arouse problems in the teaching
learningprocess since the students may misunderstand about the pictures.
is one of important aspect in learning vocabulary. Learning vocabulary is
important because we are able to speak, write, and listennicely we have to know
vocabulary first. Unfortunately, almost all student in Elementary School only
have less vocabularies. So they feel difficult to speak, write and listen correctly.
vocabulary in Elementary School is influenced by many factors; one of them is
the media used by the researcher in teaching learning process. Because of it,
the teacher have to use suitable media to teach the students.
of the way to make improving vocabulary mastery effective is using picture. It
will make the students interested with the subject that the teacher learnt.
Based on explanation above, the researcher formulate
the rationale as follow: picture is very important in teaching vocabulary because it gives students an good asmophere in learning English. If the students have good vocabulary. So the student’s English will be increase.
is a temporary answer of the formulation of the problem. It is temporary because
it is only based on the theory without fact.
The Null
hypothesis (Ho)
is no effectiveness of teaching english using picture to improve vocabulary
mastery in the fifth grade students of SDN Gayam II Kediri academic year
The alternative
hypothesis (Ha)
is effectiveness of teaching english using picture to improve vocabulary
mastery in the fifth grade students of SDN Gayam II Kediri academic year
The researcher need a research to
find the scientific truth. It is a simple controlled inqury on certain even
with the help of scientist to achieve the goals determined. So, this chapter
discusses the method used by the researcher. It covers identification of variables, technique and research
approach, place and time of the research, population and sample, research
instrument and technique of collecting data, the technique of data analysis.
In every research, it is important to know the variable that is going to
be observed. Before the writer determines the variable of the research, it is
better if we know the meaning of the variable
According to Arikunto (2006: 118),
variable is the object of a research, or things that become points of attention
of the research. In this research consists of two variables. They are
independent and dependent variable. Independent variable is a variable that are
easily obtained and can be diversifiedinto free variable, while dependent
variable is the effect of independent variable.
In this research under title “The
Effect of Teaching English by Using Picture to Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at
Fifth Grade in SDN Gayam II Kediri Academic Year 2012/2013” the independent
variable is picture and signed by (X) while the dependent variable is improving
vocabulary mastery and signed by (Y).
Technique and Research Approach
In this
research, the writer uses a quantitative research designed. Sugiono (2009: 13)
states that quantitative is a research data which is scoring by number and will
be analyzed by statistic.
The technique used by the researcher in this research is experiment
research.According to Arikunto (2010:9)
stated that penelitian eksperimen adalah penelitian yang bermaksud untuk
mencari hubungan sebab akibat (kausal) antara dua faktor yang sengaja
ditimbulkan oleh peneliti dengan mengeliminasi, mengurangi, atau menyisihkan
faktor-faktor lain yang mengganggu. It
means thatExperiment is the research that to find out the causal relationship
between two factors that is intentionally appeared by eliminating, alliviating
or separating other factors that the researchers think disturbed. The research uses this technique because the purpose of The Effect of
Teaching English by Using Picture to Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at Fifth
Grade in SDN Gayam II Kediri . The researcher gives the students pre test, and
post test. Pre-test is given before the students are taught english using
picture and post-test is given after the students are taught using
picture.Then, both scores were computed to find out whether there is The Effect
of Teaching English by Using Picture to Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at Fifth
Grade in SDN Gayam II Kediri Academic Year 2012/2013 or not.
Place and Time of The Research
Place of the research
Trying to relate the data to the
variable of the research, it is necessary to determine where the research is
taken. To do a research the place where the data is taken should be limited.
This research is held on SDN Gayam II Kediri, Jl. Begendang No 2 Kediri on the
west street. This school consists of some rooms. There are teachers’ room, 6
classes, two toilets and field.
Time of the research
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
D. Population
and sample
arranging the research to get the data, the writer is going to mention both population
and sample. Both of them have an important rule in doing this research
1. Population
As stated by Sugiyono (2009 : 117) in this book that population is an
object of the experiment. Well, in choosing population the writer has decided
to chooses fifth grade in SDN Gayam II Kediri which consisting of 30 students
in each class as the object of the population of this research.
2. Sample
Sample is a direct target of the comparative which is going to investigate.
Its should be representative the population. So it is necessary for the writer
determine the population first. The sample of this research is same with the
population because in SDN Gayam II only has one class of fifth grade.
Research Instrument
And Technique of Collecting The Data
to Arikunto, Research instrument is a tool or facilities that are used by the
researcher to collect data. This tool to ease, complete in collecting data.3
instrument is one of important thing to keep the quality of the research
means that if the research instrument is good, it will get a good result. So
that, research instrument becomes an important tool for this research. This
study will use instruments as follows:
These questionnaires are distributed to fifth grade
students of SDN Gayam II Kediri. In this questionnaire, a respondent is given about the use of picture in teachig process.
Arikunto mentions that there are
some advantages of questionnaire namely:
a. The researcher is not necessarily present in front of the respondents
b. It can be shared directly to many respondents
c. It can be answered directly by the respondents
d. The form is anonymous so
respondents will feel free, honest and confident to answer
e. It can be standardized in similar questions for all
Researcher gives a score in every item as follow:
For number 1 :
a. If respondent answer A get 3 score
b. If respondent answer B get 2 score
c. If respondent answer C get 1 score
For number 2 :
If respondent answer A get 2 score
If respondent answer B get 3 score
If respondent answer C get 1 score
For number 3
If respondent answer A get 1 score
If respondent answer B get 2 score
If respondent answer C get 3 score
For number 4
a. If
respondent answer A get 3 score
b. If
respondent answer B get 1 score
c. If
respondent answer C get 2 score
For number 5 :
If respondent answer A get 1 score
b. If
respondent answer B get 3 score
c. If
respondent answer C get 2 score
The writer used test in her study as the instrument for collecting data.The
tests were pre-test and post-test. The purpose of giving a pre-test was to
knowthe students’ ability in mastering English vocabularies before conducting
thisstudy. There were 30 multiple-choice questions to be tested. There were
fruits,animals, parts of body, things in the classroom, and road signs.
It is the first method of data gathering
is used by the writer. The writer give pre test to both group as the sample of
reaserch. Pre test which is aimed at knowing the students vocabulary abilities,
before having treatment, the test is held by the writer.
The treatmen of using picture is conducted
in experimental group class however picture treatment will not applied in
control group. The following are the treatment process of teacher while
teaching the class using picture media.
Teacher tell the student about the topic
discusion. Student are expected to be active in the classroom by asking them to
mention some word related to the topic in English or their mother tongue next,
teacher read a simple paragraph in the text slowly, while student listen to
teacher. Teacher read the paragraph once again sentence by sentenc, and student
read after teacher. Teacher ask some student to read paragraph slowly and the
other listen.
Student are asked to find unfamiliar
wordson wrote them on the white board. Teacher than show some pictures related
to the unfamiliar words on the white board to the student. Every student will
asked in aeanglis the name of thing in the picture, the response the
instruction given, they could use some way to answer such as using their mother
tongue firs, opening dictionary or using teacher’clue, teacher ask some
students to rite their answer on the white board, teacher collected student
answers. Furthermore, student are asked to pronoun the words on the
whiteboard after teacher. Teacher poented toward the picture and the real
object while student pronouns the new words had been translated on the white
board one by one. In the treatment, teacher used not on;y as an instrument but
also real object, which axisted in the classroom.
Finally, in the end class activities,
teacher show the picture again and asked students to mention the name of things
on the pictures. During the tratment, the teacher had facilitate her self with
the observation sheats.
Post test
Finaly the student’s paper sheets will
submited and the students. Result are treat as the data of the study. The test
is similiar to pre test.
technique of data analysis
According to Sugiyono, in quantitative research,
analyze data is an activities that should done after collecting data.
Researcher calculates data based on the variable and it is evaluated based on
its data and variable.
Burn says that quantitative data
analysis means presenting the data in numerical form.Researcher presents data
using table on every variable because it is easy to analyze and understand the
result of research.
The formula T
= t- Test
D = the
total of scoring pretest and post test
= ( ∑D)2∑D=
The sum deviation of mean differences
∑D2n D = the aveage of the total of mean whichis
divided by the total of the students
N= Number of
Based on the data analysis in the previous chapter,
the writer draws the
following conclusions:
(1) The students’ mastery of
vocabularies of fruits, animals, road sign, parts
of body, and things in the classroom
have improved after the picture.
was given.
(2) Based on the questionnaire, most of the students
said that use of a puppet could help them in mastering vocabulary. Moreover,
the picture could increase the students’ motivation in learning English.
Therefore, itanswered the problem of the study whether the picture motivate
childrento learn English vocabulary.
(3) The students understood that
kind of activity was necessary for them and
they expected that teaching by using
a picture would be given regularly
and continuously.
(4) After the treatment in the experiment
research done, the students got closer to
the writer. This relationship gave a
positive effect to them. They enjoyed
more in English subject, because
they were given a new method to learn
English that had never been given by
their classroom teacher.
Based on the conclusions above, the
following suggestions are offered.
First, the use of a picturet should
be maintained frequently and recommended to
the English teacher, especially to
teach children around 7-10 in order to attract
their motivation in learning English
to be more interested. Second, a teacher
should be clever in creating a
condusive situation; try to apply other teaching
strategies so that the class becomes
alive. Hopefully, there would be further
studies on teaching English using picture.
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